19 may 2009 (extraordinary meeting)




1.      20th may activities organization          

2.      Other matters

3.      Final prayer


1.      The opening prayer was executed by the general secretary

2.      Concerning tomorrow futsal, 7 teams have accepted to play on the 20th. 5 teams have given their RM 50. The medals and cup will be ready tomorrow (20th may).they cost RM 150 at a rate of 8 medals per team. All the teams are ready for the competition and there are 7 teams in all.

The teams are as follow: Nigeria, Cameroon, Botswana, Kenya, Maldives, Indonesia and Mauritius. After the tournament, a small party will take place at the president’s house, starting from 8pm until 12 am. An amount of RM 225 was collected at that day by the financial secretary.

3.      Cusa’s president is planning to travel back to Cameroon for two months, but the day of travel is not sure. It could be next week.

Every cusa members are required to fill in the census form that will tell how many Cameroonian students are in Malaysia. This will be quite useful for them because it will help the Cameroonian government taking important measures to help them according to the standard of education in Malaysia.

4.      The final prayer was done by the censor  


The general secretary

Fabrice tondji


PLACE: President’s house
TIME: 10.30pm – 00.30am
CHAIRMAN: Eric Tondji

- Prayer
- Minutes of the last meeting (S.G.A)
- News (Thierry)
- Review on the contribution concerning Mariette & Anatole birthday (Mariette)
- Cusa’s situation at UCSI ( president)
- Election of Censor
- Critics and suggestions
- Other matters
- Prayer

1. No prayer were said due to the meditation
2. For Anatole birthday, the contribution gave RM65 and RM55 for Mariette whereas RM45 was contributed for Maurice birthday.
3. The minutes of the meeting were read by the Secretary General.
4. According to the CUSA’s situation at UCSI, we have been told by the president that it was not recognized and University’ staffs advised us to modify the name of the association so that the expression “UCSI University” won’t appear any more.
The wish of CUSA to have a meeting with the Student Council was made and the president is in charge of the arrangement of this meeting.
5. Following the lack of will of the CUSA members to take over the post of Censor, it was decided that a censor will be appointed for each meeting by the chairman/chairwoman until a member accept to become officially the censor of the association.
6. The matter of crisis and suggestions was discussed and it was where the meeting ended at 00.30 AM by a prayer from Sebastien MAFUM.

For CUSA, the Secretary General


TIME: 11.00 PM – 00.30 AM

After the ordinary meditation on the theme “we have come to worship him”, we directly started the meeting with the minutes of the last meeting read for us by the secretary general.

After this minute, the financial secretary did a financial report of the association. From that, we noticed that not only they (Thierry BIKOKO and him) were locked inside the former treasurer house; but she also withdrew unauthorisely RM230 from the association account as their memberships. She also gave him the association books (which are now with the SG) and RM 77 as the remaining part of the association money.
Martial TALLA also paid his fine of RM5.00 and currently, the total amount that we have into our account is RM142.
Coming back to the inauguration ceremony, we were told by the vice president that, UCSI authorities advised us to submit the documents of the conference on the form of proposal and to postpone the date a week later. So now, why waiting for the approval of this proposal, we will be expecting the ceremony to take place on the 27th March 2009 from 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm in the auditorium at UCSI.
The vice president took the opportunity to sensitize all of us to be engaged in this ceremony which will be our walkabout with UCSI family.
The election of the new censor and treasurer was postponed to the next meeting due to the time
For this inauguration ceremony, an organizing committee was formed as follow:
Organizing Chairman: Anatole TOUKAM
Vice Chairman: Eric TONDJI
Secretary: Maurice TEMATIO
Vice Secretary: Gervsais SIEWE
Treasurer: Sebastien MAFUM
Public Relations
Invitation & Registration: Brice ASSIMIZELE

Souvenirs: Romuald DONDJIO
Publicity: Thierry BIKOKO
Logistics: Martial TALLA
On other matters, we discussed about the CUSA jersey and retained that
· everyone should give RM20 by Wednesday 4th March for his jersey since we have a football match on the 8th March
· the wishing color is white and the name and number will be written in black
· at the back of the jersey, will be written name and number and in front CUSA
· The head of sport department also claimed that if tree jerseys can be added for substitutes, it will be good.
We ended the meeting at around 00.30 am with a prayer from Brice.
Note: the meeting was in a slackened atmosphere with groundnut and juice offer by ours hostesses.

For CUSA, the Secretary General
Place: UCSI North Wing Campus
Time: 2pm – 3:45pm
Attendance: - At the beginning: 8/20
- At the end: 9/20
Chairman of the meeting: Martial Talla


1. Prayer
2. Minutes of the last meeting on January 18, 2009 (SGA)
3. Minutes of the bureau meeting on January 24, 2009 (SG)
4. Letters sent to the University (SG)
5. News
6. Financial situation
7. List of Staffs
8. Other Matters
9. Prayer

1. The opening prayer was done by the head of Communication Department

2. The Chairman of the meeting gave us the minutes of the last meeting
3. The head of Social Affairs gave us the resume of the bureau meeting and it was completed by the S.G.
4. After the resume of the bureau meeting, the S.G delivered us all the letters exchange between the University and the association since the legalization of our Association. He also informed us about the letters which were going to be exchange. He took this opportunity to further explain the reasons of these correspondences.
5. Then, it came to the turn of the Communication department to inform us on the world news of the week.
6. And then, followed the finance department for some calculation and remainders. After that we retained that we have RM316.95 into our account. Then we drooped by in the Social Affairs to know that Gervais’ birthday will be on 7th February and also that the coming month is the month of expenses with three birthdays:
- Head of Social Affairs on 1st March
- President on 8th March (International woman day)
- Secretary General on 25th March (feast of the annunciation)
7. We agreed on the list of staffs to whom the letters should be send
8. In other matters, we agreed that all the members who were on pending situation are suspended and therefore, are not anymore consider as CUSA’s members since they refused to attend the today’s meeting.
9. We ended the prayer at 3:45pm by a prayer from the Vice President

Secretary General

Tematio Maurice

Minutes of the meetings of January 18, 2009
Place: Anatole’s house (UCSI North wing campus)
Time: 2 pm – 4 pm
Chairman: Romuald Dondjio

Agenda: English meeting
1. prayer
2. minutes of the last meeting (January 4, 2009)
3. news
4. Situation of the legalization of the association at UCSI
5. Previews birthdays’ organization
6. Other matters
7. prayer

1. Mariette did the opening prayer

2. The assistant Secretary General gave us the minutes of the last meeting

3. We received the news from the communication department: the main news was the urgently need to get the immigration card for all the CUSA’s members in other to protect our passports. Then we are expecting things to be done within this month and the following one.

4. The documents for the legalization of the association have been submitted and we are still waiting for the approval.

5. We noticed that many members are not paying their birthday’s contributions and it won’t help us achieving our goals.

6. – We agree to open a bank account with the name “CUSA” to save our funds. It was agreed that the bank card will be kept by the treasurer(Tatiana Noussi, student ID: 1000819148) , and the financial Secretary(Mafum Sebastian, student ID: 1000818795) is to be the only one to have the password.
o We also agreed to have a bureau meeting to discuss about some typical cases that we are facing in the association
o A committee of 5 persons (Mariette Nzo, head of Social Affairs; Maurice Tematio, Secretary General; Romuald Dondjio, head of Sport department; Brice Assimilezele, PRO & Spiritual Affairs and Sebastian Mafum, Financial Secretary) were formed to engage discussion with some members about their engagement in the association.

7. We ended the meeting with a prayer done by Antoine Mbe at around 4pm

The Secretary General
Maurice Tematio

PLACE: UCSI South wing campus
TIME: 2 pm to 5:20pm
ATTENDANCE: 12/19 (63.16%) at the beginning
15/19 (78.95%) at the end
CHAIRWOMAN: Eleonie Momo

1. Prayer
2. Minute of the meeting of December 14, 2008
3. News
4. Minute of the pass semester
5. Report of the end of the year’s activities
6. Perspectives
7. Engagement of executive members
8. Other matters
9. Prayer

1. Prayer

We opened the meeting with a prayer done by Eleonie Momo
2. Minute of the last meeting
The minute of the last meeting was given to us by the Secretary General
3. News
- Translation of our constitution into English
- Exemption of some students concerning the foundation program
- Visit of CUSA’s advisor on 25th December 2008 and on 1st January 2009
4. Minute of the pass semester
- All the students performed well in their different fields during Sept- Dec 2008 semester.
- Must of students face many difficulties such as integration during group assignment.
5. End of the year activities
All the programming activities were successfully done. However, the participation (financially and physically) at these activities was estimated at 65%
6. Perspectives
- Calling for responsibility, unity and engagement of all.
- Legalization of CUSA
- Contact between us and other associations and club at UCSI and UCSI’s staffs
7. Engagement
All the members of CUSA’s bureau accepted and promised to do their job well.
8. Other matters
For Brice’s birthday, RM40 was contributed before the meeting and RM20 during the meeting. 5 other persons are still waiting for their contribution.
9. Prayer
We ended the meeting at around 5:20 pm with a prayer done by Brice

Secretary General
Tematio Maurice

Reaction du nouvel homme de la Communication de la CUSA

Bikoko Thierry, Charge de la Communication et du Suivi Academique.

Tout d'abord, je tiens a m'excuser pour ma reaction tardive suite a ma nomination en tant que responsable du suivi academique et de la communication du a des raisons independantes de ma volonte.
Je suis donc a ce jour tres fier et heureux de la confiance que les etudiants Camerounais de UCSI par la voix de leurs representants m'accordent par cette nomination qui vient a point nommer me donner d'avantage de responsabilites a apporter mon savoir faire en ce qui concerne les differentes activites academiques se deroulant au sein de notre institution academique. je crois que je suis pret aujourd'hui a apporter aux etudiants Camerounais ma touche pour que chacun d'eux se sente a l'aise dans son programme d'etude a travers une information en temps et en heure des differents changements ou nouveautes concernant tous les etudiants, Il reste encore a faire et je crois que sur ce j'apporterai ma touche.

Une foix de plus je souhaite a chacun des etudiants Camerounais un bon debut d'annnee et de semestre a l'ecoute de l'information.
let's get startet.


DECRET No 002/PR/CUSA/009 du 7 janvier 2009 portant nomination des menbres au bureau elargi de la CUSA.

Vu le proces verbal des elections au CUSA du 22/09/2008;
Vu les statuts Generaux de la CUSA ;

le President de la CUSA decrete:

ART I: sont pour compter de la date de publication du present decret nommes aux postes ci-apres les membres dont les noms suivent:

a) -charge des relations publiques aupres de UCSI( requeris par UCSI) "public relations officer" ,
- Responsable des affaires spirituelles,

b) Charge du suivi academique et de la communication en remplacement de M. Maurice Tematio appele a d'autres hautes fonctions.
M. Thierry BIKOKO

Ce dernier devra travailler en etroite collaboration et sur conseils du Secretaire General son superieur Hierarchique.

ART2: les interesses jouissent des droits et obligations des membres du Bureau executif elargi.

ART3: la presente decision sera publiee en anglais et en francais dans notre Blog et archivee. copie:- SECRETAIRE GENERAL

Fait a Cheras, Tmn conaught UCSI, le 7 janvier 2009

le President:


Etre Cusaen, c'est aussi savoir faire du sport
C'est en beaute que les cusaens ont passe les fetes de fin d'annee.

Nous avons impose aux etudiants d' APIIT la loi du domicile en les battant 3-1 a UCSI Stadium.

Visit of the Lake Garden on December 26, 2008

From the left: Sebastian; Anatole; Pulcherie; Brice; Mariette and Fabrice

From the left: Brice; Eric and Romuald

The CUSA's Even Diner on December 24,2008

Everything was ok on that night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doucement les gars il y en a pour tous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Inauguration Ceremony of CASAM( Cameroonian Students Association in Malaysia)