Place: President’s house
Time: 8:07pm – 10:05pm
Attendance: 15 members at the beginning (78.94%)
10 members at the end (52.63%)
Meeting’s president: Fabrice Tondji
1- prayer
2- last meetings’ minutes
3- news
4- The reviews
- first part of our program
- CUSA’s logo and slogan
- Schedule of the end of the year’s activities
- Schedule of sport activities
- Birthday of Fabrice Tondji and Eleonie Momo
5- Divers
6- Meditation
The opening prayer was chaired by the president of the meeting
last meetings minutes
The lecture of the last meetings’ minutes was done by the Assistant Secretary General and theSecretary General.
We have received the resume of the week’s news from the ministry of communication and academic affairs.
The reviews
first part of the program:
The president informed us that the first part of our schedule (October 2008 and November 2008) with the main point awareness and contacts; status and constitution was realized at 90%. Indeed, the status is almost completed; then we have played two friendly matches against
CUSA’s logo and slogan:
The slogan Unity-Respect-Success was chosen as the CUSA’s slogan. These components are explained as follow.
Unity: - To show our entity, originality (moral unity).
To reassemble people from the same country, to save our integrity and the different regions where we are from (physical Unity).
Respect: - The need to be respectful between us;
The need to respect our country;
To valorize our seats in a foreign country because everyone like having in front of him a respectful person.
Success: It directly derives from Unity and Respect because everywhere where there is Unity and Respect, Success comes.
As far as the logo is concerned, many propositions were given. Among them, we have:
A lion’s head on the
Two hands joint together to express the unity + one book and pen to express the success. Then the whole thing in front of a responsible person to express the respect.
The same as the second proposition but instead of the book and pen, we use the gown’s cap.
The end of the year’s activities.
The program of the end of the year will be closed between december24, and december28 where we will have a Christmas Eve dinner on the 24, piscine party on 25, and the round table on 26, sport on 28 and outing on 27. The outing will be on the lake garden and its surroundings.
The schedule of sport activities:
Every Saturday morning at 8:00 am on UCSI’s stadium, we will have training and match. On December 28, we will also have a match for the end of the year activities.
We will probably have some friendly matches all over the mandate.
Birthday of Fabrice Tondji and Eleonie Momo:
The total amount of RM 130 was contributed which gave RM65 per person. Only 15 persons contributed and Louis Obelle gave RM 5 for his Kristynita birthday’s contribution.
During the diverse time, some information was given concerning the AECAM assembly.
We ended the meeting at around 10:05pm with the meditation on the topic “the wedding of Osee”
Maurice Tematio
Secretary General
Lieu : president’s house
Heure : 20h07 – 22h05
Présence : 15/19 (78.95%)
Président de séance : Fabrice Tondji
1- Prière d’ouverture
2- Rapports des dernières séances
3- News
4- Logo et devise de l’association
5- Programme des fêtes de fin d’année
6- Divers
7- Prière finale
Prière d’ouverture :
Elle a été dite par Fabrice Tondji
Rapports des dernières activités :
Les comptes rendus ont été lus par le secrétaire général adjoint et le secrétaire général
Les informations de la semaine ont été résume par le ministre de la communication et des affaires accademiques.
Slogan et Devise :
adoption des statuts par l’assemblée générale concernant les pénalités et procédures de sanctions
le débat sur la devise a abouti a la devise suivante : Unité – Respect – Succès
l’adoption du logo sera l’objet d’une prochaine réunion.
Cependant, plusieurs propositions ont été faites parmi lesquelles. Nous avons : un livre (succès) ; le chapeau de la toge et des mains s’arrêtant les unes les autres. Symbole de l’unité
Programme des fêtes de fin d’année :
veille de noël (24 Decembre 2008)
Piscine party (25 Decembre 2008)
Table ronde ( 26 Decembre 2008)
Excursion (27 Decembre 2008)
Sport ( 28 Decembre 2008)
La CUSA a tous les samedis des activités sportives et attend la confirmation d’une rencontre sportive contre les Camerounais de APIT Collège dans le cadre de ces activités de fin d’année.
Divers :
Contribution pour la cérémonie d’inauguration de l’association des étudiants Camerounais en Malaisie le 20 Decembre 2008. Le montant est de RM20 par membre.
Priere de fin
Elle a été dirige par Brice Assimilizele.
Gervais Siewe
Secretaire General Adjoint