Speech of president of CUSA to his members/ Message du president de la CUSA a ses membres

Dear Compatriots,

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is not everyday that we have the opportunity to be united and have the will to succeed together. So it is obviously the grace of God that we are here together.

In my humble opinion, I think that the existence of CUSA is the palpable proof of what God can do for his children.

This association, which the essential objectives are to reassemble Cameroonian students at UCSI and to promote Cameroonian culture and education in a spirit of conviviality, discipline and responsibility without distinction of sex, religion and ethnicity. we now have about 18 members.

Based on that, we think that this number is going to grow in the following years.

As all African students in Malaysia, the CUSA’s students face many difficulties, but must stay strongly united in other to face this crisis. As all of you, I do know that in time of crisis, we often forget the future. So we must remain courageous, ambitious, audacious and imaginative.

Dear students, because I respect you, because we have our values to respect, because our parent and country are relying on us, we must say no to: prostitution, illegal traffics, gossip and irresponsibility. Therefore, we should remain focused on our studies which is the main reason of our presence in Malaysia.

As student and member of CUSA, I would like to say to you that any student who commits any these acts, will have disobeyed our principles.

I take this opportunity to wish all of you and your close relatives a happy New Year 2009. May this New Year be a healthy, lovely, success and happy year. May God go with you all over this New Year.

Long life the CUSA and Cameroon.

The President

Anatole Toukam

Chers compatriots ,

Mesdames et messieurs,

Ce n’est pas tous les jours que l’occasion se presente de s’unir, de penser ensemble et de vouloir reussir ensemble, mais quand cela arrive, c’est sans doute une grace de Dieu, sans qui, nous ne sommes rien.

Je pense a mon humble avis que l’existence de la CUSA est une preuve palpable de ce que Dieu peut faire pour ses enfants.

Cette association qui a pour missions essentielles de regrouper les etudiants camerounais a UCSI University, de promouvoir la culture et l’education camerounaise dans un esprit de convivialite, de discipline et de responsabilite, sans distinction de sexe ,d’ethnie et de religion, regorge de nos jours en moyenne 18 membres.

Nous osons croire que ce nombre ira grandissant dans les annees avenir.

Comme tout etudiant africain en Malaisie, l’etudiant de la cusa rencontre d’enormes difficultes, mais nous devons rester unis et fort afin de faire face a cette crise. je sais tout comme vous que dans la crise, l’on a le plus souvent la temptation d’oublier l’avenir.

Soyons, courageux, ambitieux, audacieux et imaginatifs.

Chers etudiants et etudiantes, parce que je vous respecte, parce que nous avons nos valeurs a respecter, parce que nos parents et notre pays comptent sur nous, nous devons dire NON:





Et rester concentrer sur nos etudes pour lesquelles nous nous retrouvons en Malaisie.

Je voudrais par ailleurs vous signifier qu’un etudiant, membre de la CUSA, acteur de tels actes aurait failli a nos principes.

Pourquoi faudrait- il rester unis:

- Pour etre plus forts

- Connaitre nos ennemis et les combattre

- Pour se defendre

- Eviter la vulnerabilite

Je saisi cette occasion pour vous souhaiter ainsi qu’a vos proches une annee pleine de santé, de Bonheur, d’amour, de reussite et surtout que la grace de Dieu vous accompagne en cette annee nouvelle 2009.

J’exhorte tous les membres a veiller a cette rigueur et de rester encore plus models, afin que:

Vive la CUSA et le Cameroun. Je vous remercie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anatole Toukam

President de la C.U.S.A

Minutes of the meeting of December14, 2008

English/ Anglais

Place: president’s house

Time: 3:15 pm – 5:05 pm

Attendance: 13/19 at the beginning

15/19 at the end

Chairman of the meeting: Anatole Toukam


1- Prayer

2- Minute of the last meeting

3- News

4- Financial status

5- End of the year’s activities

6- AECAM’s inauguration ceremony

7- Other matters

8- Prayer


Sebastian Mafum chaired the opening prayer

Minute of the last meeting

The Secretary General gave us the resume of the last meeting


The news was given by the minister of communication. Among this news, we had:

The creation of the CUSA’s blog under the link www.cusa008.blogspot.com

The president informed us about the possibility to reward the best CUSA’s member at the end of the mandate with a certificate

The minister of communication received a discount of RM20 as reward of blog’s creation

Financial status:

After the report of the financial secretary, we noticed that untill now, we have received RM20 as sanctions’ charges; RM625 has membership contribution and a total amount of RM385.5 has already been used. So the rest of the funds are RM304.5. However, many people haven’t given/finished their memberships, jet. Same as Eleonie Momo and Fabrice Tondji birthday’s contribution

End of the year’s activities

According to the vice president, person in charge of end of the year’s activities, the schedule previously made remains the same. However, the round table has been removed due to the lack of chairman. So this round table will probably take place in January 2009. The contribution for this end of the year’s activities is RM25 per member and should be paid by December 23, 2008.

AECAM inauguration ceremony:

Each CUSA’s member has to pay an amount of RM20 as his contribution for the inauguration ceremony of CASAM (Cameroonian Students Association in Malaysia). It should be paid by December 16, 2008.

Other matters:

The association received a new member named Linus and is student at UCSI University in the field of Nursing.

The prayer of the end was chaired by Louis Obelle at around 5:05pm

Maurice Tematio

Secretary General

Minutes of the meeting of November29,2008/ rapport de la reunion du 29 Novembre 2008

English/ Anglais

Place: President’s house

Time: 8:07pm – 10:05pm

Attendance: 15 members at the beginning (78.94%)

10 members at the end (52.63%)

Meeting’s president: Fabrice Tondji


1- prayer

2- last meetings’ minutes

3- news

4- The reviews

- first part of our program

- CUSA’s logo and slogan

- Schedule of the end of the year’s activities

- Schedule of sport activities

- Birthday of Fabrice Tondji and Eleonie Momo

5- Divers

6- Meditation


The opening prayer was chaired by the president of the meeting

last meetings minutes

The lecture of the last meetings’ minutes was done by the Assistant Secretary General and theSecretary General.


We have received the resume of the week’s news from the ministry of communication and academic affairs.

The reviews

first part of the program:

The president informed us that the first part of our schedule (October 2008 and November 2008) with the main point awareness and contacts; status and constitution was realized at 90%. Indeed, the status is almost completed; then we have played two friendly matches against Botswana students and Nigerian students to make contact with them. Thus, we are moving with good understanding’s climate and harmony. The remaining 10% are due to the non realization of our motto and logo.

CUSA’s logo and slogan:

The slogan Unity-Respect-Success was chosen as the CUSA’s slogan. These components are explained as follow.

Unity: - To show our entity, originality (moral unity).

To reassemble people from the same country, to save our integrity and the different regions where we are from (physical Unity).

Respect: - The need to be respectful between us;

The need to respect our country;

To valorize our seats in a foreign country because everyone like having in front of him a respectful person.

Success: It directly derives from Unity and Respect because everywhere where there is Unity and Respect, Success comes.

As far as the logo is concerned, many propositions were given. Among them, we have:

A lion’s head on the Cameroon’s flag.

Two hands joint together to express the unity + one book and pen to express the success. Then the whole thing in front of a responsible person to express the respect.

The Cameroon’ map on the background page + the second proposition on the front page

The same as the second proposition but instead of the book and pen, we use the gown’s cap.

The end of the year’s activities.

The program of the end of the year will be closed between december24, and december28 where we will have a Christmas Eve dinner on the 24, piscine party on 25, and the round table on 26, sport on 28 and outing on 27. The outing will be on the lake garden and its surroundings.

The schedule of sport activities:

Every Saturday morning at 8:00 am on UCSI’s stadium, we will have training and match. On December 28, we will also have a match for the end of the year activities.

We will probably have some friendly matches all over the mandate.

Birthday of Fabrice Tondji and Eleonie Momo:

The total amount of RM 130 was contributed which gave RM65 per person. Only 15 persons contributed and Louis Obelle gave RM 5 for his Kristynita birthday’s contribution.


During the diverse time, some information was given concerning the AECAM assembly.


We ended the meeting at around 10:05pm with the meditation on the topic “the wedding of Osee”

Maurice Tematio

Secretary General

Francais/ French

Lieu : president’s house

Heure : 20h07 – 22h05

Présence : 15/19 (78.95%)

Président de séance : Fabrice Tondji


1- Prière d’ouverture

2- Rapports des dernières séances

3- News

4- Logo et devise de l’association

5- Programme des fêtes de fin d’année

6- Divers

7- Prière finale

Prière d’ouverture :

Elle a été dite par Fabrice Tondji

Rapports des dernières activités :

Les comptes rendus ont été lus par le secrétaire général adjoint et le secrétaire général


Les informations de la semaine ont été résume par le ministre de la communication et des affaires accademiques.

Slogan et Devise :

adoption des statuts par l’assemblée générale concernant les pénalités et procédures de sanctions

le débat sur la devise a abouti a la devise suivante : Unité – Respect – Succès

l’adoption du logo sera l’objet d’une prochaine réunion.

Cependant, plusieurs propositions ont été faites parmi lesquelles. Nous avons : un livre (succès) ; le chapeau de la toge et des mains s’arrêtant les unes les autres. Symbole de l’unité

Programme des fêtes de fin d’année :

veille de noël (24 Decembre 2008)

Piscine party (25 Decembre 2008)

Table ronde ( 26 Decembre 2008)

Excursion (27 Decembre 2008)

Sport ( 28 Decembre 2008)

La CUSA a tous les samedis des activités sportives et attend la confirmation d’une rencontre sportive contre les Camerounais de APIT Collège dans le cadre de ces activités de fin d’année.

Divers :

Contribution pour la cérémonie d’inauguration de l’association des étudiants Camerounais en Malaisie le 20 Decembre 2008. Le montant est de RM20 par membre.

Priere de fin

Elle a été dirige par Brice Assimilizele.

Gervais Siewe

Secretaire General Adjoint


Toukam Anatole
Management & IT

Tondji Eric
Information system(I.S)
Vice president

Tematio Maurice
Secretary General;
In charge of communication and
Academic affairs

Siewe Gervais
Assistant General secretary

Noussi Tatiana
Management & IT

Mafum Sebastien
Financial secretary

Obelle Louis
Management & IT
Business Adinistration

Dondjio Romuald
Computer science
In charge of sports

Nzo Mariette
Management & IT
Business Administration
In charge of social affairs

Njock Sandra
Business Adiministration

Tondji Fabrice
BUnisess Administration

Bikoko Thierry
Information Technology

Fokam Tony

Fogang Silvere

Brice Assimilize
M.Logistic Management

Talla Martial

Momo Eleonie
Business Administration

Salli Kristynita
Business Administration

Dongmo Bustrel
Accounting & finance

Maurice Tematio

Secretary General

Programme Annuel




-statut et constitution



- Excursion
- Piscine party
- Sport
- Table ronde
- Soiree recreative


-Acceuil des nouveaux etudiants
- sensibilisation


- Excursion
- Visite de courtoisie aupres des autres associations
- sport

MARS 2009

- WOMEN’S DAY celebration
- Visites d’ enterprise
- sport

AVRIL 2009

- Fete de paques
- Sport
- Preparation des examens

MAI 2009

- Accueil des nouveaux etudiants
- Visites d’entreprise

JUIN 2009

-Echange de culture avec d’autres associations a ucsi
- loisirs et sport


- Visite d’entreprise

AOUT 2009

- Accueil des nouveaux etudiants
- Preparation des examens


Fete de cloture des activites
Maurice Tematio
Secretary General

Calendar of the chairmen of the meetings

30 November 2008 Fabrice Tondji

14 December 2008 Louis Obelle

28 December 2008 Eleonie Momo

11 January 2009 Romuald Dondjio

25 January 2009 Martial Talla

08 fevrier 2009 Sebastian Mafum

22 fevrier 2009 Sandra Njock

08 mars 2009 Mariette Nzo

22 mars 2009 Eric Tondji

05 avril 2009 Silvere Fogang

19 avril 2009 Brustrel Dongmo

03 mai 2009 Tony Fokam

17 mai 2009 President

31 mai 2009 Gervais Siewe

14 juin 2009 Christinita Salli

28 juin 2009 Brice Assimillize

12 juillet 2009 Thierry Bikoko

26 juillet 2009 Vice - President

09 aout 2009 Tatiana Noussi

23 aout 2009 President

The Secretary General
Maurice Tematio


English Version
la version francaise en en bas

ARTICLE I: Name, Slogan and Motto of Association

1. The organization shall be known as Cameroonian UCSI University Students Association ( C.U.S.A)
2. The Motto of the association shall be known as Unity - Respect – Success.
3. The Slogan of the association is "United, we stand"

ARTICLE II: Purpose of the Association

1. To reassemble Cameroonian Students at UCSI University
2. Reconnaissance and mutual assistance
3. Communal life and solidarity
4. Sharing of culture
5. Integration of new students
6. Protection of common interests
7. Blossoming of students
8. Cultivate the culture of responsibility and discipline among Cameroonian students

ARTICLE III: Organisation and functioning of the Association

A. Organisation

1. General Assembly

a. All Cameroonian students currently registered with UCSI University will be consider members of the Association
b. All sympathizers will be admitted into the Association after decision of the Association’s board
c. The general assembly is the most important board of the Association and will be held twice a month on Sundays at 2 pm

2. Board of the Association


a. The president.

- He/she is democratically elected by the general assembly;
- He/she is to represent the Association anywhere where possible;
- He/she is in charge of the activities and affairs of the Association;
- He/she is to define the policy of the Association;
- He/she is assisted by a General Secretary.

b. The vice president.

- He/she is democratically elected by the general assembly;
- He/she is in charge of the Association in case of the president’s absence;
- He/she is to be in charge of cultural affairs and exterior policy

c. The general secretary

- He/she is democratically elected by the general assembly;
- He/she is to prepare the minutes of past meetings;
- He/she is to represent the association in case of president and vice president’s absence;
- He/she is in charge of the material of the Association

d. Assistant general secretary

- He/she is democratically elected by the general assembly;
- He/she is to assist the general secretary in his functions and replaces him in case of absence.

e. Treasurer

- He/she is to keep the Association funds;
- He/she is to be responsible in presenting the financial report of the association to the general assembly;
- He/she shall not use the association’s funds without the authorization of the president;
- He/she is to be assist by a financial secretary.

f. Financial secretary

- He/she is democratically elected by the general assembly;
- He/she is to keep the record of all funds of association;
- He/she is to report the financial status of the Association one a month to the general assembly.

g. Censor.

- He/she is democratically elected by general assembly;
- He/she is to be in charge of the discipline of the Association;
- He/she is to look after the respect of the association rules.


All the board members have the same rights as the members of general assembly


a. The board members of the Association have the duties to inform regularly the general assembly about the functioning of the Association.
b. They shall manage the association responsibly.


a. The term of office of the board members is one year renewable.
b. They can be asking to leave the office before the end of the mandate in case of bad performance or irresponsible behavior regarding the Association.


2.6. Each candidate needs majority vote to win

B. Functioning of the Association

1. Modalities of adhesion

For a good functioning of the Association, an account has been created and all members have to contribute RM5.00
This fund should progressively be replenished when part of it is used.

2. Duties of Members

All the members have to:
- Attend the meetings and others activities related/organized by the Association
- Respect the rules of the Association
- Give regularly their contributions for a good functioning of the Association
- The Association is not responsible of any bad act a member at UCSI University or/and in Malaysia

3. Activities of the Association

General assembly
- It holds twice a month at UCSI University and can exceptionally be in an apartment of a member
- The agenda of the meeting is approved at the beginning of the meeting of the meeting

Extraordinary meetings
- They can be outside of the normal meetings place
- The general assembly can with the approval of the Association board organized the visit of the others Associations in the purpose of contact making and collaboration

4. Sanctions


4.1.a. Lateness

- Any member arriving 15(fifteen) minutes after the beginning of the meeting is considered late
- Any sanction not paid is doubled at the next meeting
- Any justification of lateness after 15(fifteen) minutes of the commencement of the meeting is not considered
- These sanctions are double as far as a member of the Association board is considered

4.1.b. Absence

- Any member arriving fifteen minutes to the end of the meeting is considered absent
- These sanctions are doubled as far as a member of the Association board is concerned
- Three absences without any justification is equivalent to a convocation by the board member for audition

4.1.c Other matters


- A member who refuse to comply with the above sanctions will be suspend for one month
- In case of destruction, embezzlement or other bad conduct, the person will be suspended for one month.
- These sanctions are applicable for two months for the association board members


All offenders of the above decisions will be purely and simply explored during the mandate

Article 4: The amendment

1. The amendment of the constitution will require a two-third majority (2/3) of the general assembly.
2. The present constitution suspends all the anterior dispositions and will be used as the fundamental guide of the association.

Done in Kuala Lumpur, Cheras, UCSI University, North Wing Campus on September 20, 2008 by

1. Anatole Toukam, Master in Business Administration, UCSI University
2. Brice Assimilizele, Master in Sciences of Logistic Management, UCSI University
3. Romuald Dondjio, Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, UCSI University
4. Sebastian Mafum, Bachelor in Accounting, UCSI University
5. Mariette Nzo, Bacelor in Business Administration, UCSI University
6. Sandra Njock, Bachelor in Business Administration, UCSI University
7. Tatiana Noussi, Master in Business Administration, UCSI University
8. Bustrel Dongmo, Bachelor in Accounting & Finance, UCSI University
9. Maurice Tematio, Bachelor in Mechatronic, UCSI University

Translated in English on December 24, 2008 by

Maurice Tematio, Bachelor in Mechatronic, UCSI University
Version Francais

Titre I: objectifS de l’ association
1- Objectifs generaux
2- Objectifs specifiques
Titre II: organisation ET fonctionnement
Chaptre 1: organisation de l’association
Section 1: Organisation de l’assemblee generale
Section 2: Organisation du bureau de l’association

A- Le/la president(e)
B- Le/la vice president(e)
C- Le/la secretaire general(e)
D- Le/la secretaire general(e) adjoint(e)
E- Le censeur
F- Le/la commissaire aux comptes
G- Le/la tresorier(e)
Chapitre II: Fonctionnement de l’association
Section1: Modalites d’adhesoin
Section 2: Droits et obligations des membres
Section3: Activites de l’association
- Reunions
- Extras
Titre 3: dispositions particulieres

Preambule: Les etudiants Camerounais de UCSI University reunis en sceance ordinaire le 14 Septembre 2008, desireux de creer en leur sein un climat de:
- Harmonie,
- Convivialite,
- Et de tolerance sans distinction de sexe, de religion et de tribus,
- Sachant la necesssite de preserver leur image en Malaisie en generale et UCSI University en particulier,
- Nonobstant les difficultes de l’heure,
Decident de la creation d’une association des etudiants Camerounais a UCSI University denomee C.U.S.A (Cameroonian UCSI Students Association) avec por devise: Unite-Respect-Success.

Titre 1: Objectifs de l’association

- Resemblemer les etudiants Camerounais
- Reconnaissance et entraide
- Vie en communaute et solidarite
- Partarger la culture
- Integration des nouveaux etudiants
- Deffendre les interets communs
- Epanouisement des etudiants
- Culture de l’esprit de responsabilite et de discipline

Titre 2: Organization et fonctionnement de l’association

A- Organisation
L’association comprend:

1- Assemblee generale
Elle est Composee de tous les etudiants Camerounais reunis a UCSI University et sympathisants sur etude de cas par le bureau executif.
Elle est l’organe supreme de l’association, elle doit sieger tous les dimanche a partir de 14h un dimanche sur deux.

2- Bureau de l’association
a- Organisation du bureau
Il est compose de:
- Un president
- Un vice- president
- Un secretaire general
- Un secretaire general adjoint
- Un tresorier
- 2 commissaires aux comptes
- Un censeur
- Un conseiller du bureau(ext staff UCSI)
b- fonctionnement du bureau executif

- Droits
Tous les membres du bureau juissent des memes droits que les membres de l’assemblee generale

- Obligations
Le bureau est tenu de rendre compte fidelement et en bon pere de famille a l’assemblee generale. IL veille et gere de maniere responsable l’assotiation

- Mandat
Les membres du bureau sont democratiquement elu pour une periode d’un an (1an) renouvelable, IL peuvent etre dechus en cas de mauvaise gestion ou de toute action portant atteinte a l’integrite physique ou morale de l’association

- Elections

/- Le president
Il/elle est democratiquement elu en assembleee generale.
Il/elle est le/la Porte parole de l’association,
Il/elle est charge (e) du suivi des affaires et des Activites de l’association.
Il/elle est designe (e) par voix democratique a l’assemblee generale,
Il/elle est assiste (e) d’un (e) secretaire general (e),
Il/elle defini (e) la politique generale de l’association

/- Vice president
Il/elle est elu (e) en assemblee generale par voix democratique,
Il/elle represente le president en cas d’empechement,
Il/elle assure la gestion des affaires culturelles et la politique exterieure de l’association

/- Secretaire general
Il/elle est democratiquement elu en assemblee generale.
Il/elle est charge (e) de la redaction des rapports des reunions et activites de l’association,
Il/elle est le gradient du materiel didactique de l’association.
Il/elle peut en cas d’empechement du president et de son vice partout ou besoin se fait sentir representer l’association.

/- Secretaire generale adjoint
Il/elle est elu(e) democratiquement en assemblee generale.
Il/elle assiste le secretaire general dans l’exercice de ses fonctions et le/la represente en cas d’empechement

/- Tresorier
Il/elle est democratiquement elu en assemblee generale,
Il/elle est charge (e) de la tenue et de la conservation des fonds et valeurs de l’association,
Il/elle est charge (e) de l’encaissement des fonds de quelque nature que ce soit;
Il/elle etablit un rapport financier mensuel ou bimensuel;
Il/elle est responsable de la gestion des fonds devant l’assemblee generale;
Il/elle ne peut proceder au decaissement que sur autorisation expresse du president,
Il/elle est assiste (e) par un commissaire aux comptes.

/- Commissaire aux comptes
Il/elle est elu (e) en assemblee generale;
Il/elle est charge (e) de l’enregistrement comptable des entrees et sorties des fonds;
Il/elle doit etablir le bilan financier et rendre compte de la gestion financiere des fonds mises a la disposition de la tresorerie.

/- censeur
Il/elle est elu (e) democratiquement par l’assemblee generale;
Il/elle est charge (e) de la discipline interne de l’association,
Il/elle veille au respect des regles

B- fonctionnement de l’association

Section 1: Modalites d’adhesoin

Pour le bon fonctionnement du C.U.S.A, il est Cree une caisse de prevoyance a laquelle tous les members sont tenus de contribuer. Le taux est fixe a RM5.00/membre. la dite caisse devrait etre renforcer progressivement pour une raison ou une autre si les fonds ont ete preleve.

Section 2: Obligations des members

Tout membre est obliger de:
- assister reunions et activites organisees par l’association
-respecter les regles et normes de l’association
- Verser de maniere reguliere ses cotisations pour le fonctionnement de l’assotion
-l’association decline ses responsabilites sur tout acte contraire a la destination de bonnes moeurs du pays d’acceuille ou de UCSI

Section 3: activites de l’association
Sous la dirigeance du president et après approbation de l’assemblee generale, les activites de l’association comprennent:

A- Reunions ordinnaires
Ells sont bimensuelles et se tiennent au sein de l’UCSI ou exceptionnelement dans un apartement appartenant a un membre. L’ordre du jour est valide en séance tenante.

B- Reunions extraordinaires
Elles peuvent s’etendre en hors du lieu de tenu de la reunion. L’assemblee generale peut sur l’instigation du bureau organiser des visites pres des autres universites dans le but d’un certain echange de prise de contact et de collaboration.

Section4: sanctions
Tout membre doit se plier a la reglementation en vigueur.tout contrevenant est assugeti

1- Procedure de sanction
Procedure amiable

a- Le retard
- Tout membre arrivant a la reunion 15min après le debut de la reunion est considere en retard,
-Toute justification de retard 15min apres le debut la reunion, ne peut etre pri en compte
- La sanction de retard s’applique en double chez les membres du bureau
- Toute ammande non payee est doublee lors de la prochaine séance de reunion.

b- L’absence
- Tout membre arrivant a la reunion a 15 min de la fin est considere absent.
- La sanction d’absence s’applique en double chez les membres du bureau
- Trois absences non justifiees equivalent a une convocation par le bureau pour audition.
c- Autres
- En cas de refus d’optemperer a une ou deux convocations, la sanction s’agrave.

Procedure de sanction proprement dite:

C- Suspension
- En cas de refus d’optemperer après une ou deux convocations, l’interesse est suspend pour un periode d’un mois.
- En cas de detournement des biens, de destruction des biens, de difarmation, d’acte mal sein ou de delinquance, l’interesse est suspend pour un mois.
- La periode de suspension s’applique en double chez les membres du bureau.

2- Renvoi
Tout contrevenant aux decisions cites plus hauts sera purement et simplement renvoyer Durant toute la periode de mandat en cours

Titre 3: Amendements
Un amandement constitutionel ne peut avoir lieu avec l'abrobation des deux-tiers (2/3)
des membres de l'assemblee generale.
Le present statut abbroge toutes les dispositions anterieures et sera diffuser a qui de droit .
NB: ce texte sera publie en Francais et en Anglais partout ou besoin se fera sentir.

Fait a Kuala Lumpur,Cheras,UCSI University North Wing Campus, le samedi 20 Septembre 2008 par:
1. Anatole Toukam, Master in Business Adiministration, UCSI University
2. Brice Assimilizele, Master of Science in Logistics Mangement, UCSI University
3. Romuald Dondjio, Bachelor in Computing, UCSI University
4. Sebastian Mafum, Bachelor in Accounting, UCSI University
5. Mariette Nzo, Bchelor in Business Administration, UCSI University
6. Sandra Njock, Bachelor in Business Administration, UCSI University
7. Tatiana Noussi, Master in Business Administration, UCSI University
8. Bustrel Dongmo, Bachelor in Accounting & Finance, UCSI University
9. Maurice Tematio, Bachelor in Mechatronic, UCSI University